Atelier Viollet recently completed a custom extending round dining table in figured sycamore & gabon ebony, designed by Mary Delaney Interior Design. As you can see in the photos below, the piece can be extended by adding and subtracting leaves around the perimeter.
atelier viollet
Meet The Atelier Viollet Team: Waldemar Gozdek
Waldemar Gozdek has worked for Atelier Viollet for over 10 years. He can attest to the morning routine the entire workshop knows so well: at 7:30 am, Jean Paul Viollet enters the workshop, greets his employees with a handshake, and discusses the day’s plan. “Without this simple routine,” Gozdek adds, “any given day could go… [Read More]
Meet The Atelier Viollet Team: Joseph Taliercio
Joseph Taliercio has worked with Atelier Viollet for two years, and he is very clear about the impact his time at the workshop has made on his life. Aside from mastering new techniques, like working with exotic materials, specialty dying processes, and various metal patinas, he admits to feeling inspired by Jean-Paul Viollet’s passion for his… [Read More]
Cabinet in Gypsum, Palmwood & Gilt Bronze
Atelier Viollet recently completed a cabinet in gypsum, palmwood & gilt bronze, designed by Jean-Paul Viollet. This is the newest addition to our line of gypsum pieces. The mitered joinery at the sides gives the gypsum a “waterfall” effect. We are excited to share this newest piece with you.
Jean-Paul Viollet On Artisanal Specs
Jean-Paul Viollet was featured in a recent post on Artisanal Specs, a monthly online publication that showcases top artisans and specialty craftspeople. Read a sample of the post below: “It is not just anyone who possesses the gift of creating a literal object of desire. Thumbing back through time, through an infinite catalogue of mythical objects, it remains… [Read More]
Vintage Art Deco: Devantures de Boutiques
Atelier Viollet acquired a new collection of vintage books of the Art Deco era: Devantures de Boutiques, by Louis-Pierre Sezille, originally published in Paris, 1927. This particular folio contains wonderful plates of storefronts by renown architects. We’re excited to share this addition to our library collection, as well as to share our passion for Art… [Read More]